Our Story
Who are we/What do we do?
The Ypsilanti Friends Church an empty-nester fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ who desire to honor God by engaging one another and our community with the compassion that is only possible through Jesus Christ. We spend time together to worship God, learn about God through the Scriptures, seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus, and take action to support our community.
Why We Do What We Do
We understand and recognize that the true meaning of a relationship with Jesus Christ is not in ritual or tradition, but in an actual, personal, loving relationship with Him where we continually grow in becoming like Jesus. We recognize that we can never love God enough, but we seek to learn more about Him through the Scriptures, worship Him in truth, listen and respond to the Holy Spirit, and obey His teachings through showing true compassion to one another and to our community.
Where We Came From
The Evangelical Friends Church has been at the corner of Bemis and Tuttle Hill roads since 1835. Referred to as Quakers by many, the Ypsilanti Friends Church began as a small group of families that homesteaded in the area. The church has had three buildings (two which are still being used) built over the years and the style of worship has run the complete range from traditional Sunday gatherings to small home based meetings. The Friends have had a long history of serving the communities they were in, from being on the Underground Railroad in the Mid-1800s or simply serving our neighbors when need was found. Friends have always viewed that faith in Jesus Christ results in obedience to Jesus Christ’s command: Love God first above all, love your neighbor as much as yourself. So we seek to practice what we learn from our study of scriptures and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Want to Learn More?
If you’re curious and want to learn more, we encourage you to see it for yourself. You can connect with us here.
If you aren’t sure that a missional community is your thing, but you’d like to learn more about what we’re doing in our community, check out ways to partner with us here.